Secure ATM by Image Processing

Published on Nov 15, 2015


Every biometric system has its limitations. Therefore, identification based on multiple biometrics is an emerging trend as multimodel biometrics can provide a more balanced solution to the security multimodel systems involve the use of more than one biometric system.

Our contribution to the above subject is that we have developed an algorithm on banking security. For this we have considered a bank using biometric technology for its security purpose. The security is assured by using finger scan, voice scan, hand geometry scan and by requesting the password given by the bank for a particular user when necessary.

Biometrics technology allows determination and verification of ones identity through physical characteristics. To put it simply, it turns your body in to your password. We discussed various biometric techniques like finger scan, retina scan, facial scan, hand scan etc. Two algorithms have been proposed by taking biometric techniques to authenticate an ATM account holder , enabling a secure ATM by image processing. Biometrics is now applied in various public and private sectors.

What is Digital Image Processing?

An Image may be defined as a two dimensional function f (x,y) where x and y are spatial(plane) coordinates x, y is called intensity or gray level of the image at that point. When x, y and the amplitude values of f are all finite, discrete quantities, we call the image a digital image.

Interest in digital image areas: improvement of pictorial information for human interpretation: and representation for autonomous machine perception.

The entire process of Image Processing and starting from the receiving of visual information to the giving out of description of the scene, may be divided into three major stages which are also considered as major sub areas, and are given below

(i) Discretization and representation : Converting visual information into a discrete form: suitable for computer processing: approximating visual information to save storage space as well as time requirement in subsequent processing.

(ii) Processing : Improving image quality by filtering etc ; compressing data to save storage and channel capacity during transmission.

(iii) Analysis: Extracting image features; qualifying shapes, registration and recognition.

Draw back of passwords-need for Biometrics

No more problems if forgotten passwords and id codes, biometrics is the technology taking care of it which turns your body into your password. Typically, the more rigorous you make your password selection and construction rules the more difficulty users will have in remembering their passwords. Unfortunately, strict password rules are necessary to stop simple hacker attacks on the network.


Considering various applications of image processing - biometric techniques like finger scan, retina scan etc, finger scan is widely used. Biometric technology has been around for decades but has mainly been for highly secretive environments with extreme security measures. The proposed algorithm for security of ATM’s implies a secure world with biometrics, enabling a secure ATM’S by image processing. The technologies behind biometrics are still emerging. This article gives a snapshot of the dynamics under way in this emerging biometric market, and we hope it will help all the possible alternatives when acquiring new biometric technologies

The fundamental problem with password is two fold. First, they are transferable they can be written down on paper, they can be transferred to some one who should not have them. Second, and just as important, they can be forgotten. Recent research suggests that a forgotten password can cost as much as US$ 340 per event! This is n't too surprising. Clearly, the risk and costs of compromised passwords are a significant facto to consider in developing any sure system. The critical need for additional level of security has given rise to the field of "BIOMETRICS"

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